
Geoquant specializes in using quantitative methods to analyze geopolitical risks and trends. They provide data and analysis to help businesses and governments understand the impact of geopolitics on various aspects such as investments, supply chains, and security.


Working with Geoquant as a solo designer,  I was  responsible of every design aspect in the company

Product Design
Design System
User Testing
Data Visualization
Web Design

2017 - 2018

User-Friendly Dashboard for Efficient Analysis

The main dashboard was designed to give analysts a quick overview of recent dramatic events. It provides an easy way to filter and focus on the information that is most relevant to them. This helps analysts work more efficiently and make better decisions.

Improving Analysis with Different Data Views

By providing analysts with different views of the same data, we allowed them to explore and compare data points in more ways. This flexibility led to a higher quantity and quality of insights, helping them make better-informed decisions.

Exploratory Graph for Deep Research

The graph is the main tool analysts use to evaluate different aspects and trends. It was designed from the ground up to support multiple views, making it a flexible tool for deep research and investigation. This allows analysts to explore data thoroughly and gain valuable insights.

Improving User Experience with In-App Reporting Tools

After conducting user research, we discovered that our users preferred to create their reports directly within our app instead of switching to external text editors. In response, we added features like graph annotations, a rich text editor, and improved exporting and sharing options.

These updates were well received by users, resulting in increased app engagement and a smoother workflow.

Improving Predictions with Data Point Ranking

By enabling users to rank and score multiple data points, we improve the quality of insights, enhance predictions, and refine the data set that supports our algorithms.

Users can easily share or export these insights with other stakeholders, facilitating better communication and collaboration.

Website, Brand & Marketing

As a one-man team, I ensured that everything from the login screen to the email signature communicated consistently, appeared polished, and inspired trust. This attention to detail helped create a cohesive user experience throughout the product.

The Brand

We recognized that many users might find our app quite different from their previous work methods. To address this, we chose a sleek, modern design with a dark theme and bold colors. This approach aims to create a futuristic feel and set our product apart from traditional political risk analysis methods.